Friday, February 27, 2009

My Weekend Crush

Those arms. That laugh. To not melt in the presence of either is practically a sin. And when those arms and that laugh come together in a tank top, well, all higher brain function pretty much ceases. For three seasons Rose Rollins has brought dignity and warmth to Tasha Williams. As one of the show's few butch characters (well, butch-er, it's still the undeniably feminine Rose underneath there), she took what could have been a cardboard cutout of a stoic soldier and made her likable, relatable and – most important – believable. You actually understand why the opposites of Tasha and Alice might attract thanks to Rose and Leisha's great chemistry. Off screen Rose has embraced her legions (and I mean legions, did you see the Tank Top Tuesday-Off voting?) of lesbian fans. And, if being a wonderful actress and supportive ally weren't enough, she is also a straight-up truth talker. Watch her This Just Out with Liz Feldman interview from earlier this week and you'll see a refreshingly candid take on the disappointment of season 6. Also refreshing is that instead of simply bashing the show's obvious creative shortfalls, she seems genuinely saddened at the lost opportunity that will forever be the great failure of “The L Word.” “It's surrounded by negativity,” she said. “We're ending this season on a negative note, and I feel like it's totally contradictory of what the show represents or how it should inspire women.” Yep, what she said. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    the liz feldman interview is great - she sure is beautiful and smart!

    and her laugh is so sexy and naughty...

    have a great weekend, everyone!

    ;)) babs

  2. Anonymous4:42 AM

    bette win!!

  3. “It's surrounded by negativity,” she said. “We're ending this season on a negative note, and I feel like it's totally contradictory of what the show represents or how it should inspire women.” Yep, what she said.

    --> Why don't you start with yourself, I haven't said anything before but I think you're being particularly negative yourself, about the last season. No offence :)

  4. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Mmmmm Tasha...mmmm Tasha smiling...mmmm Tasha in tank top *whipes away drool*. This woman is, sexy and a with a laugh that makes me...melt :p Cheers DS!

  5. :::swoon:::

    I'm sure there were words under that picture...

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    no, tasha wins!

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I love Rose, but; I must be the only one who doesn't like her laugh, like fingernails on a blackboard.

    I can live without it..

  8. you sure do love the ladies.....are you good in bed.....Im not gay...but I do have great tits!

  9. Fantastic weekend crush DS, thanks! I agree; she is such a all the tanks! Will make for some sweet dreams to be sure. Happy weekend!

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Ilene is lucky to have so many beautiful talented women playing in the L-word.

    Otherwise, no one would watch it with that messed up plot there.

    Ah, why the threesome??? (Thunder + lightning!)

  11. It's so disappointing that IC (pronounced ICK) left even the actresses wanting better for the show that was their collective life. I'm sure there will be grieving...

  12. Too Bad Tasha leaves Alice for Jaine in the next episode. I was gtetting used to them as a couple. But at least Dylan is back in ep7 who knows though for how long.

  13. Anonymous11:23 PM

    great choice, rose is the bomb! sheer perfection! i think stunning is a good word to describe her. i am very sad that talice is probably going to break up. they are the only couple i have ever really cared about and rooted for. IC was on derek and romaine on sirius tonite, and i called in and asked her why she had to throw jamie in the mix, and she basicall said some bullshit about how 3rd wheel crushes happen alot in the community and they thought talice would be good to show that. BULLSHIT the writers suck!!

  14. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I love Rose. Also loved the interview in TJO. I'm sad that The L Word is supposedly going out on a negative note. That's not the way I want it to end.

  15. RR was great on TJO - and was Liz - she was off the hook.

    Melinda - I have no idea what the hell IFC is talking about - that's her rote response "oh, it happens in the community"

    Willy Wonka baby showers complete with joints and Xanax....sure.

  16. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Rose..oh Rose..why so perfect?!
    I've been in love with her since her first appearance on the show.. and after seeing her on TJO i'm sure she's the girl of my dream! No kidding..she's just so perfect: her laugh, her face, her harms, her body, her! Plus she's honest and she's not afraid to say what she thinks and personally i have to say that her thoughts reguarding the show reflects mine, and i'm sure many others.
    Needless to say Slice&Tasha are my favourite couple..and Jamie..really?! WTF?! She's cute, nice and stuff but she aint no Alice! Why would Tasha do something like that? I'm never gonna get that..but i'm gonna watch the following episodes anyway, for one and only reason though: Rose (if it wasnt clear already =D)

  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The laugh, the voice, the arms, damn what a package.

    Tank Top Tuesday, Weekend Crush, Rose is hot any day of the week.

  18. Missed seeing this this past weekend but love all you had to say about Rose.Great post!
