Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tank Top Tuesday


Oh, Starbuck, Starbuck. You and all your frakking hot tank tops are the reason I know I'm an idiot for still not having caught up on “Battlestar Galactica.” But this promo shot for the final season of BSG did more than make me feel guilty (or make me feel the good kind of sweaty); it made me curious. Have marketers finally discovered the unassailable appeal of a woman in a tank top to sell their movies and shows? Well after researching hundreds upon hundred of posters (yes, hundreds...I do these things for you, kittens, and for the general advancement of knowledge), I've come to the highly-scientific conclusion that not only have they discovered tank tops, they've divided their usage into specific categories. Look for my published dissertation on the topic in the next issue of the prestigious Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Tank Tops. But for now, here is a preview. [Click any and all to enlarge, in the name of science, obviously.]

The FightersThe LoversThe Two Guns Are Better Than OneThe Leather Is Better Than GunsThe Apocalypse NowThe This Can't End WellThe LenaThe End


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    As always it is a joy to wake up Tuesday mornings and see a "Tank Top Tuesday" posting.
    Thank you for all the hard work, time and effort you put into this research to give us readers of your blog insight into this particular subject... ha ha!
    I love the photos you chose to demonstrate Hollywood's attempt at making money using ads that feature women in tank tops... well done!

  2. Hurrah for The Lena! Hurrah for Tank Top Tuesday!

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    The Lena! yeah, baby.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The Lena vs the Starbuck! No one could possibly be expected to choose between those two. I'm willing to sit through the research to try...
    As for BSG, I'm sure you'll let us know when you watch. Actually, we'll know when the blog is mysteriously quiet because you're glued to the tv in a marathon! I don't want the show to end, but I can't wait to see what happens.

  5. Resident Evil Tank Top Tuesday :)

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Oh gods, yes. The Lena is my favorite category.

  7. Mmmm, Starbuck. I am so far behind in BSG... in fact, since it's (snow) storming here in Chicago, I might just pop in the next dvd and get caught up.

  8. um..
    can you see the future also?
    not just reading about present.

    what about palm reading?
    sometime, ds,
    you make me speechless.

    my monitor is not good though
    they all seem very nice.
    thank you. i laughed, and thought
    and then...feel chilly.

  9. *sigh* I miss Starbuck...

  10. I really need to work on my guns.

  11. THE LENA!!! Hell yes, you have now made her into a noun, as she should be! F*ck yeah!!

    Oooh, and that Starbuck promo - all I need to get me excited about the rest of season four! Throw in a little Lucy Lawless for topping, and I've got one sweet BSG sundae there! Hey, where the hell's the Starbuck/Number Three makeout scene already?!
