Friday, November 28, 2008

My Weekend Crush

Thanksgiving got me thinking about family. And family got me thinking about moms. And moms got me thinking about Lauren Graham. Of course, this is silly since while Lauren is probably most famous for playing the simultaneously coolest and fastest-talking mom in TV history, she herself is not a mom and therefore should not be considered that acronym that rhymes with “filth.” But, hey, that's how my mind works and who can blame me for wanting to think about Lauren Graham?

Lauren is the girl you wished lived next door. She is accessible, yet totally not. It's that dream of accessibility that tantalizes us so. And then there's that promise of mischief. Her eyes have that proverbial twinkle, her grin curls slyly toward Cheshire. When you couple both those with her impeccable delivery of the perfectly placed quip the result is beyond irresistible. In short, she is the kind of girl you can't decide whether you want more as your best friend or your girlfriend. Though, in the end, the only acceptable answer is both. Happy weekend, all.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE Lauren Graham she is awesomely hilarious! She's smart, funny, and just a wee bit hyperactive... gotta love her! Thanks for this one!

  2. Anonymous4:14 AM

    we have the same taste in women ;) great choice for a weekend crush. I love Lauren Graham, but to me she will always be Lorelai.

  3. Well said ;-) :) Nothing else to add :)

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    A-MAZING choice! As I clicked on it I thought
    "Well she wont top Emily last week, I love her" and then BAM! you go ahead and pull Lauren Graham out. I adore her. And not just the lorelai bit, the lauren that we get to see on chat shows, dear god she's so funny and so cute on Ellen! Love it, love it, love it!

  5. I SOOOOOOOOOOOO agree with the concept of the girl next door being BOTH your best friend and your lover!!! Lauren would be a good choice for that category. So instead of MILF can we have HGND (Hot Girl Next Door)?

  6. Anonymous8:21 AM

    What a stunning photo. I don't know if she looks that good in real life but that seems to give off something.

  7. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I adore that woman, she's fucking hilarious. She's one of those people whose personality makes her even prettier. I just want to go drinking with her and hear her talk about things. ♥

    Do you know she's coming to Broadway? Adelaide in the Guys and Dolls revival, in RENT's old theatre. That is almost too much worlds colliding for me; I don't quite know what to make of it. But I hope she rocks it. What an awesome opportunity.

  8. Amen. She is brilliant and gorgeous. I LOVE the short film she was in, Gnome. I highly recommend it. It will amaze you and break your heart and probably make you love LG even more :D

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I don't know whether it is, but I'm calling this fate. Only in the last fortnight have I, i) had access to, and ii) been introduced to The Gilmore Girls. And Boy/Girl am I glad! Hearts. Fo Sho.

  10. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Oh lord, totally agree. Sigh* All those hours watching Gilmore Girls, constantly feeling just a tad bit (ie a LOT) jealous of Luke. Seriously, Lauren Graham is just as adorable/hilarious in real life, such a wonderful woman, and I miss seeing her every week!!!

  11. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Back in 1996, there was this very short-lived sitcom called "Townies" that was supposed to be a major vehicle for Molly Ringwald...but I noticed the supporting cast playing her female bffs.

    The show didn't last even one season but I was sure those two actresses both would have a comeback of sorts...they had this brightness about them.

    The blonde bff was Jenna Elfman and she got her comeback with Dharma and Greg.

    The brunette bff (and my favorite) was Lauren Graham...and we all know what she starred in.

    Among my favorite Gilmore Girls episodes is one that is very appropriate for the holiday...A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving...from season 3...when Lorelai and Rory get too many invites and cannot turn any down. Hilarity Ensues. :)

  12. i love lauren graham :D

  13. Anonymous2:00 PM

    OMG I love Lauren Graham!
    The Full Series of the Gilmour Girls has just been broadcast in the UK - Its on every morning when i am at work so i record it & watch it while i do the ironing at the weekend &now i've watched it from the begining to nearly the end - there are just a few more episodes to go.
    Fantastic Choice for today!!

  14. How about Lauren Graham played something that rhymes with "filth" cause really who did wish Lorelai would end up with a woman instead of Luke (or whoever she ended up with, last season of GG kinda sucked).

    Nice choice for this wonderful weekend.

  15. Anonymous5:12 PM

    ah she's gorgeous

  16. Anonymous6:21 PM

    the pic reminds me lots of things..

    i don't feel any guilty how i spend
    my holiday. but i'm embarrassed when i see the pic.

    i'll learn how to cook the meal
    and will show you when you want.

  17. i can't believe she hasn't been added yet to the weekend crush. she's been mine for years.

  18. Lauren doesn't know it yet, but we're getting married.

  19. Anonymous2:47 PM

    hahahaha! nice! send us a slice of the cake.
    nice choice DS. she was awesome as Lorelai.
    thank you all for the list of other movies i now have to see.

  20. I just wanted to say hi. And greetings from Finland. I absolutely ADORE you blog! It's great! I LOVE it!

