Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Easy, breezy, lesbian...

With all this ridiculous talk about lipstick in the national discourse it took a lesbian, and the Chapstick one at that, to put it all into perspective. Ellen DeGeneres has officially confirmed rumors from last week that she was the new face of CoverGirl. I am going to allow the full implications of this to sink in while I enjoy a refreshing beverage. Hey, I say it's never too late/early/in between for a nice vodka tonic with a twist of lime. Mmm, refreshing. So, have you had a chance to give this news a good pondering? If so you, like me, should be reveling in the fact that an openly gay and relatively butch woman has been picked by one of the nation's top cosmetics companies to be its new face of beauty. You've come a long way, lesbo.

Ellen revealed the news on her talk show yesterday. She struck some faux supermodel poses (what, no Blue Steel?) and then showed a behind the scenes photo of her “hours and hours” of lip liner application. Her campaign starts in January and already CoverGirl is promoting Ellen for having “smarts, confidence and a beauty that flows from the inside out.” Regardless of how you feel about makeup (I hardly touch the stuff), it's a step in the right direction for someone like Ellen to be the next CoverGirl. So, in honor of her historic spokeswomanship, let's all be lipstick lesbians today – if only in spirit. If we can explode the myths about lesbian femininity and redefine traditional beauty norms, can the total eradication of the mullet be far behind? We can only pray. And until then, is my lipstick on straight? Wait, wrong word.


  1. Now, that's a frontwoman I can relate too (in a not-married-to-a-super-famous-blonde-actress-and-not-having-billions-of-dollars-on-my-bank-account sort of way...). Guess we could call it progress.

    Although I'm afraid such a giant sapphic step will quickly be overshadowed by the controversy of Covergirl doing animal testing and Ellen being a PETA girl...Oh well we'll see.

    I'll still proudly be lipstick today in honor of that ginormous visibility advancement(in spirit though...)

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    (and ms. smarker for VP)

    ;)) babs

  3. Today I apply my chapstick in honor of Ellen. You go, girl!

  4. This just makes me happy.

    Probably additionally so because no one really seems to be batting an eye about it. Ellen will just be another Cover Girl celeb like Susan Saradon.

    And I am hoping Ellen can work her magic with the Cover Girl people regarding animal testing.

    *crosses fingers*

  5. Please excuse me. I need to put my power-butch sunglasses over my eyes.

    To shield them from the glare of the awesome.


  6. Another postitive aspect: Ellen is 50 years old. Granted, she is not the first older celebrity to get a modeling deal (Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon), but it's still encouraging to see someone old enough to really know what a wrinkle is, and who looks good.

  7. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Wow, that's awesome! I'm glad that this is no longer just a rumor that people can scoff about (ie something people assume will never happen). Love it!

  8. Did someone say vodka tonics?

    Day late/dollar short, but I hope your vacation was a loverly one, my dear!

  9. Too bad Cover Girl's range of distribution does not cover Malaysia (I don't know why).

    Then again, I'm a make-up virgin, what do I know about these stuff anyway.

    Have a nice day folks!

  10. Seriously, is this for real?!!

    On Ellen as "relatively butch"--I'd describe her as andro tomboy butch. Or something like that. Remember when she came out and right-wingers said she was "too pretty" to be a lesbian? Oy.

    Still a very positive thing for all the reasons everyone has said here.

    THanks for sharing the news!

  11. Anonymous4:55 PM

    never use cover girl again.helen degeneres ia a lesbian [a butch] they do not wear makeup.
