Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tank Top Tuesday

Holy God. No, seriously, holy God. I know this picture is 20-plus years old, but still…damn. In fact, Anjelica Hustonn and her white tank top have inspired (well, that’s the polite word for it) me to create yet another semi-regular feature, Tank Top Tuesday. Yes, I know we already have Tina Fey Tuesday, but on the weeks when the Fey Fabulous is resting, I just might have to take solace in the simple splendor of the white-ribbed tank top. After all, it is the No. 2 lesbian fashion accessory for a reason.And, last but not least, an oldie but a goodie.UPDATE: Patience, patience, little kittens. I can’t blow all the tank toppy goodness in the first post, now can I? All your favorites are coming. And, oh yes, there will be Lena. Also, different tank top colors. Hell to the yeah.


  1. Anonymous5:42 AM

    ..best...category... ever.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    ...the Houston pic?

  2. Ms. Snarker, if you up your game anymore, then I'm gonna have to strap myself into something before browsing your blog. I've already hit my head one too many times.

    I'm going out now to find some gadget or another to keep me upright.


  3. I am ALL for Tank Top Tuesday. Please do not replace Tina Fey Tuesday tho! I love it all!!

  4. Oh HELL yeah. More, more, more!

    (That is an amazing shot of Padma, btw)

  5. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Have Mercy! Was just introduced to this blog by a friend and if this entry is typical, I'll be back ALOT. Cheers! --Shazz

  6. Yes please. If only Tina Fey were in a white tank top... someday...I mean, she already dresses like a small-town lesbian on the show so.. it's only a matter of time


  7. NOTHING says YUMMY like a white tank top!! you missed one out the- Jennifer Beals as Bette.

  8. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Word, blue. Jennifer Beals in any color tank top in a pose similar to JF's. Just to show off her wonderful biceps and shoulders. Yowsa!!!

    A fan in AZ

  9. I hate to say it, but after that first photo my eyes just glazed over and all the following photos morphed into nothingness... Angelica Huston, sigh.

  10. Oh my, just skipped over spring and went to hot and sticky summer here at my house. Tank Top Tuesday AND Tina Fey Tuesday? You are truly a Wench.

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Jeez Dorothy, where do you get these gems ?!?!

    The one of Catherine Keener...yum. Started out my morning on the right foot...or something :)

  12. Hey Dorothy -- Love this! But you missed one:


    You are our new favorite lesbian blog.




  13. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Tank top Tuesday = best idea ever!

  14. Sigourney tank topped + Jodie tank topped + biceps + boobs (weird..)= sweet dreams everyone :)

    Dorothy, how could anyone beat that?

  15. Ms. Snarker,

    Wonderful post, but you missed these:


    Lena 2

  16. Whoops, sorry, that's a grey tank on Lena. What can I say, whenever I look at those photos, it's not the color of the tank that registers.

  17. as a straight girl turned bi turned i dont know what the hell i'm doing anymore, i needed a serious dose of lesbian in my life and this blog is perfect.
    and ooohohomygod padma is so attractive.
    i'll be back daily :) thanks!

  18. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I love it... but, where's Lena???

  19. Anonymous3:35 AM

    i'm all for tank top tuesday, or how about tank top thursday on tina fey tuesdays? what would we do without our ms snarker??

  20. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Am I the ONLY one that thought the picture of Angelica Houston looked a little weird in the abdominal region? I know she's wearing equestrian pants, but her belly looks like my great grandmother's.

    But, :::sigh::: the rest of the pics ... I need some alone time now, thank you very much.

  21. Anonymous7:00 AM

    made my day. week. year. uhum.

  22. Anonymous5:53 AM

    *drools all over*

    But next time, could you kindly do Tank Top Tuesday: The Lena edition?

  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    mother of goddess.....that was HOT! [wiping drool off lip]

  24. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Jennifer Beals is THE TOP

  25. i miss JB...she look great in tank top...she has very tone arms

  26. Anonymous8:28 PM

    As a guy, I can say that I think Sigourney Weaver had a huge impact on Generation X men.

    In "Alien" she is one of the lead officers on the Nostromo. She deals with the rough job of working in space, but she handles it with confidence. She curses and jokes with the men and doesn't expect to be treated any different.

    When the captain of the Nostromo ends up as Alien chow, Ripley assumes command and manages to pull together a frazzled crew. Without her, the crew would have fallen apart right then and there.

    Through most of the movie, Ripley is covered up by her flightsuit. Near the end of the film, she strips it off and reveals a very lean, muscular body. She's not Farrah Fawcett, but she's hot, even when wearing standard issue white underwear.

    The Alien attacks her while she's nearly naked and she flees in terror like a damsel in cinematic distress usually does, but she pulls herself back together and faces down a monster.

    For young men, surrounded with the hyper-sexualized glossy images of women of the 70s, Sigourney projected a complex image of a working class woman. She can work with roughneck guys, yet still be delicate and sensual.

    I know that many guys in Gen X part company with baby boomer men by seeking out strong women as partners. I can't say that "Alien" alone helped introduce some men to idea of a complex woman, but I can say that the character of Ripley has endured for a good reason.
