Monday, March 17, 2008

Mmm, Padma, mmm

I came, I saw, I recapped. My first “Top Chef” recap is up at today. Not only is it my first recap of “Top Chef,” it’s my first recap ever. So, please, be gentle. As a fan of the show, recapping it is exhausting thrilling. The recaps will run the Monday after each episode at AfterEllen. Since the premiere was mostly just introductions, nothing too crazy in this one. I look forward to the culling of the herd so I don’t have to rely on nicknames and/or mnemonic devices to keep everyone straight. Wait, sorry, straight is the wrong word with our three chefbians, plus an honorary chefbian (cough, Richard, cough) or two sprinkled in here and there. Also, as those delightful Amuse-Biatchers so aptly pointed out, what the fuck is up with all the fucking cursing this season, motherfuckers? My new sister in culinary snarkitude The Big Shamu over at The Karmic Kitchen suggested we change the name from “Top Chef: Chicago” to “Top Chef: Motherfuckers!” I could not fucking agree more. With that, chow’s on.


  1. Motherfucking WORD!

    PS loving Chefbians, so much that I'm stealing it.

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    chefs just have filthy mouths. i bet if you caught rachael ray on an off day she could give a sailor a run for their money.

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I feel that, as with everything I've read of yours thus far, you'll do a fantastic job of recapping. I'll be sure to head over to AfterEllen and read it today.

  4. I mean, I curse like a longshoreman, and all the mofos were a little bit much even for me. But I think that's just because most of them were coming from Andrew, who already bugs me like crazy.

    Off to read the recap!

  5. nice job. no judgment on this end. :)

