Tuesday, January 08, 2008

You take the good, you take the bad

You remember the “Facts of Life” theme song? Well, it kept going through my head as I looked at the pictures from “The L Word” premiere party Sunday in West Hollywood. Though, perhap I should have been humming the theme to “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.” A recap of my thoughts, minus expletives:


p.s. Hey, E! Planet Gossip guy, when did Kate Moennig become openly gay? Anyone? Did I miss a memo? See, this is what happens when I go on vacation.


  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Dorothy that was pretty much reaction, when seeing PH

    E gossip took off the line "openly gay" it no just reads Gyneth Paltrow's cousin.

    Everyone looked beautiful and like they were having fun.

    i think Kate may have had one too many.

    Hey it got them publicity - maybe a season six.

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I was trying to not see the PH pics. I'm now going to erase them from my brain....sort of like a couple of the l-word seasons.

    (Most of the cast looked hawt, though.)

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Alas (insert me weeping bitterly here, wailing and thrashing about)... the day has come and a sad day it is indeed. I, SLYM, did NOT, and I repeat DID NOT watch the premiere of TLW S5. No, you read that right, I did not (by choice) did not watch and it gets worst. I have no inclination to watch any of the episodes. Woe Is ME!! I pleaded for help but to no avail. I have no choice now but to go and get my head examined after which I will be committing myself to some institution or another. Should any of you have the slightest urge to communicate with me, I can be reached at Slymdonfinallylostitall@asylum.com.

    I am now really really worried about me. I blame it all on chaiken.

    Insanely yours,

  4. On Kate, this is what wiki says:

    Although there has been much speculation surrounding Moennig's sexual orientation due to the on-screen lesbian and transgender roles she has taken, in a 2000 interview with Rebecca Traister of the New York Observer, Moennig identified herself as heterosexual. The only evidence to the contrary is a comment by L Word costar Jennifer Beals in an interview with The Advocate, which lumped Moennig with openly gay staff and cast members: when asked "Do people still assume that you have to be a lesbian to play one on TV?", Beals responded with, "Not at all... I heard a rumor that somebody... assumed I was bisexual. Which was a huge compliment to me, because often I will go to Leisha or Kate or Ilene or Rose Troche most often and ask, 'OK, is this the right thing to do? Is this not the right thing to do? Am I going to seem like a total chump if I do this?" Moennig has made no further comments beyond her initial identification as heterosexual.

  5. also: EW paris hilton. and WHY is rose rollins suddenly femming it up? i like her tasha style. We all know she's family. She should drop the straight girl act.

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    P.S. If things weren't bad enough already, I just visited AE and I couldn't even bring myself to read Scribegrrrl's AWESOME TLW Recaps. Now I know for sure I'm done for :(

  7. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Paris Hilton...really?

    If there is any character development for PH is season 6, even a one scene cameo, I think I might vomit.

    That's just wrong...in so many ways.

    On the other hand...

    How HOT is Rose Rollins?!

  8. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Rose Rollins identified as straight in an AE interview, and I don't see any reason not to believe her.

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I am hoping that someone called Rent-A-Skank and hired Ms. Hilton to appear.

    It would be bit more forgivable wouldn't it?

    Also...do you have to "say" you are straight to be openly straight? Just a thought.

  10. Anonymous7:50 AM

    is my eyes seeing the truth?

    is that paris hilton i just saw? wth is she doing with kate? hmm...

  11. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Ms. Moenig was charmingly and opening "out" onboard the Olivia cruise several years ago. I was there - it was really fun. The episode filmed onboard sucked, however.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Thank you so much for rectifying those awful photos posted the other day, and replacing them with the cast of the L word!! I feel better now seeing the whole cast together.
    Cleans up the mess on OurChart - what they should really be posting!

    p.s. I read your site everyday... it's better than chocolate! Thank you! it was good for me - big smile.

  13. ahh Jennifer... so hot

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Paris Hilton???
    Looks so wrong in every aspect!!

  15. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Jennifer is soooo hot. *swoons* And I think Kate subscribes to the Jodie Foster school of 'out'...

  16. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The thought of Paris Hilton...even for a cameo...in the same show with Jennifer Beals, Pam Grier, Marlee Matlin and company makes my head really really hurt.

    Such a pretty pretty cast.


  17. I'm not usually such a fangirl, but Jennifer Beals looked stunning... and all I could so was sigh...

  18. Anonymous6:43 PM

    is that paris hilton ? no way, what the heck is she doin!

  19. Anonymous8:33 PM

    why is the skank-ho bag there? And why are all the amazing people acting like they love her? They don't like her, i know they don't. Cool people don't subject themselves to that kind of torture... she prolly just showed up and since she's a celebretard they had to let her in.

    I love those women, I wish they were my best friends.

  20. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Oh Mi God.

    My estimation of the whole L Word crowd - already low as it is - has now plummeted beyond redemption.

    Is there really no discernment in Hollywood?

    There is a reason why P Hilton is called Ebola by Lainey (celeb gossip). She's a deadly disease, who will infect everything in her path.

  21. Anonymous3:53 AM

    oh, kate moennig is so gorgeous, not wonder PH was all stick with her like no tomorrow

  22. hey, when i see this pictures, i guess paris hilton and shane is together. like partners. loke lovers..

  23. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Paris Hilton ruins everything...She is such a turn-off

    ah well...Rose Rollins is a stone cold fox

  24. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Rose Rollins totally looks like a lesbian trying to dress as a straight girl. Good luck to her, might she has more success convincing us of her hetroness than KM.

    RR, MM, Laurel, RS and JB looked good but KM looked a right state. LH really shouldn't be allowed to dress herself and she looked kind of ill.

  25. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Oh Jesus...

  26. KM is so gay. And so, so hot. At least Paris didn't have her gross blonde hair and rat-dog. So I can just deny it's really Paris.

    A bit concerned about some things I've heard re: KM and drugs (allegedly)

    For some reason I've suddenly embraced the zany hilarity of the show and stopped over-analyzing it. At least for one episode -- their first episodes always make zero sense as they work their way out of whatever big mess they made in the last episode.

    Consider: Tina shows up preggers, Jenny winds up in Skokie, Bette kidnaps Angelica, Shane gets rid of that hot blonde and Tina is back to being gay...

  27. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Redbeet, I'm a lesbian but normally femme. Can't a girl just dress femininely without being accused of putting on a straight-girl act?

    Is Paris joining the cast of the L Word? That would surely be a minus for the show. lol

  28. Paris Hilton should totally star on the Lword. She could star as herself and get a role in Lez Girls. Imagine it: Marina somehow lands a role in the movie as well. Marina tries to seduce Paris. Paris gets upset. Tinkerbell and Sounder snarl at one another. Tina trying to placate Paris and/or creating drama for Pari, Marina and Jenny. Jenny tries to order Paris around and Paris loses it on her. Flash forward to Jenny's reconstructive surgery. . .omigod the possibilities.

  29. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Paris Hilton's there because will do anything for publicity. I hate her.

  30. It seems that those people in those pictures are having the king of parties, the last time I remember to have enjoyed a party like that was like 3 years ago.

  31. I don't want to say any single word about it... because everyone have a rights to enjoy their party according to their type or in their style.....

