Friday, January 11, 2008

I told you I’d be back

Hello my lovelies. Did you miss me? I’m back, and I’m packing heat. After 10 days of sleeping in until noon and being brought snacks on a tray (a tray!) I must now return to the harsh, cold reality of my workaday routine. Life, she is a cruel mistress. On the plus side, in two days I can look forward to Lena Headey and Summer Glau kicking untold robot butt in “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.” So life may be a cruel mistress, but she looks fantastic in a tank top.To soften the blow of returning to work, when I went to my mailbox today I found a lovely present: Lena Headey and her guns -- all three of them -- poster-sized for my enjoyment. Every now and then, it’s good to be me.This means Lena and her big guns are now officially in a deathmatch with Mary-Louise Parker and her naked bum for the title of Best. Poster. Ever. Competition is a very, very good thing.[Click any of the images to enlarge, I highly recommend it.]


  1. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Why do they need to compete. But them both together, and you could have hotness that's in excess of either single item.

  2. Mary Louise Parker any day of the weed.

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Welcome back DS.
    Lena is all over the internet recently....
    and, she does look good in a tank top!

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Ahhhh.... Lena! Yep, I got it now. No matter how many degayifying pills they pop me all I need is Lena - she is the antidote - I am saved!!! YAY!!!

  5. oh. my. god. i've just had to take a moment.....Lena Headey. in a tank top. kicking ass. tomboy heaven!

  6. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Of course we missed you. Dorothy. Welcome back!

  7. Mary Louise Parker. All day, every day. Delurking for the first time. I missed you when you were gone. Glad your back.

  8. Anonymous4:33 PM

    P.S. Ms. S, Welcome back, you were certainly missed! I trust that your time off was good and hope that work is kind to you so that the effects of your vacation does not wear off too quickly.

    My last day of vacation is today :( I will have to be back on the grind come Monday.

  9. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Hmmmm...decisions, decisions...Mary Louise with the weed or Lena with a gun...

    Please don't make me choose!

  10. I need both of these posters. Way to represent the 30 Rock DVD. Classy

  11. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Nice to have you back DS!.. and what a return! Lena and her guns.. oh my, i feel the vapors coming on. Catch me Lena!

  12. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Maybe I missed the point (it's not a show I've ever seen), but I have to wonder why putting a gorgeous women with something that was designed with the single purpose of killing others, somehow makes her MORE sexy? The woman and the shirt and those arms are plenty enough for me, and I find the weapon detracts from it, while the idea that it should add to it disturbs me.
