Thursday, January 31, 2008

Informed electorates are sexy

Wow. That’s all I can say, wow. Y’all are crazy smart and thoughtful and energized. Dare I say my misanthropic heart has grown three sizes less jaded today? OK, sure, I’m still torn. But I am greatly encouraged to hear that a) I’m not alone in my quandary and b) so many people are plugged into the political process. And quoting the great Julia Sugarbaker to me? Well, be still my heart. No matter who you plan to vote for, please do be sure to vote (unless you plan to vote for McCain or Romney or Huckabee, in which case…seriously? Yeah, you may be on the wrong blog.)

As a thank you for sharing your inspired thoughts on the great Hillary vs. Barack debate, here are three extremely gay things. OK, so the Tina Fey video isn’t gay (unless you mean happy, which is what it makes me), but for some reason the song spoke to me.

Walk like a Liz Lemon.

So, girls, who wants to make an interim agreement?

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, nothing says thank you like hot women kissing. [Kinda NSFW, but totally yummy...if the embed isn’t working, go here for the goodness]


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    So I was too rushed and inarticulate yesterday to get my act together and voice my opinion. And, today, well, pretty much the same, so check this out--it's the best summary of why I am an Obama girl. I always thought I'd be Hill's, but she has just pissed me off lately. Plus, I'm from Michigan, and because I thought our delegates wouldn't count, I crossed over and tried to sabotage the Republican contest (we can do that here!), and now The Clintons want to seat our delegates anyway b/c Hillary won. I call that disenfranchisement, and it sealed the deal for me against Hillary. (Having said all of that, I will of course pretend that nothing is wrong in November, naturally!).

    But really, check this out, it's worth the read.

    Love from the frozen north!

  2. er ok setting aside the political context, in which I,personnally,am not really involved in (being French and all..), I just wanted to say : Maaagggiieee
    Interim agreement, i'm all in !
    Thanks a bunch miss Snarker

    - BTW Dorothy, 3rd vid not working...-

  3. Yay Liz Lemon -- BLERG!

  4. your 3rd video is no longer available. I need an interim agreement stat!

  5. interim agreement?

    uhm, yes please!

  6. Wow... Maggie and Tina in one post.... these get better and better. Hurray for politics...


  7. Lady. Miss. Kier.
    She is still the coolest dancer in the whole world.

    Go U.S. sheilas!! Get a good prez this time around, orright?!

  8. the last video works, guys, you just have to click it to go to the youtube page since the poster has disabled embedding :)

  9. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Tina Fay - I love you!
