Monday, January 28, 2008

Hail Jodie, full of grace

Forgive me, Mother, for I have sinned. It has been 38 days since my last Jodie Foster post. I know, I’m such a blasphemer. Please consider this my penance. And what marvelous penance it is. New stills from Jodie’s upcoming family flick “Nim’s Island” were recently released. Is it just me, or does it look like Jodie is a contestant on “Survivor: Nim’s Island?” I half expect Jeff Probst to show up carrying a tikki torch. Jodie also popped by the Sundance Film Festival last week. Heck, bundled up or stripped down, I’ll take my Jodie any way I can get her. p.s. Notice anything adorable about this picture? Like, say, tousled winter hat head and visible winter long johns? [Click to enjoy the red stripey goodness.]


  1. Awww Jodie, Jodie, Jodie *sigh*. I'm so tempted by those pictures to break out in one of my non-sensical odes to pay tribute to the ever adorable always admirable Ms. Foster.

  2. I'm going to send that long johns pic to Caty as proof that I'm not the only person who dresses in a whole bunch o'layers when it's freezing cold. Currently I'm under so many layers of waffle patterned cotton that to get to any exposed skin you'd need patience, a x-acto knife, and maybe an electron microscope.

  3. Wow! A little age is looking great on her.

  4. Wow she's attractive...

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Dorothy, you're Catholic! So am I, although a non-practicing one. Next time, you should do a Jodie's Creed. Or, Jodie the Queen Mother. No? Too much? Lol. Thanks for the updates.

  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Awww, I like "hat-head". Probably because it looks a lot like "bed-head". :-)

  7. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Mmm. That last still is soooo gorgeous. *drools*

  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    i want jennifer beals sorry

    i like jodie but.....

    the brave one was BS ...

  9. O come on....The Brave One wasn't that bad. At least we got to see her in a role that's just a smidge dykier (the word "dykier" looks like an Ikea shelving unit name) then her Freaky Friday movie.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I have been p a t iently waiting for a Jodie post! so thank you Dorothy! Hubba Hubba, wink wink ;) I still believe 'The Brave One' is her best work ever. And that's saying a lot, since i don't care for guns or violence; i believe in the emotional journey she went through... was amazing. Thanks for the pixs.

  11. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Can anyone tell me how she ties her scarf in the last pic? I like it. Very stylish.

    Am I imagining it, or is she looking a little more dykey since coming out?
