Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Year-End Weekend Crush

When it came time to pick my biggest crush for 2007, it was really no contest. Certainly there were many worthy contenders: Jodie Foster, Lena Headey and Helen Mirren spring to mind. But if I sit back and really think about who I was most entertained by and enamored with this year, I’ve got to give it to Tina Fey. While I had always loved her on “Saturday Night Live” it wasn’t until “30 Rock” that I really saw how unbelievably awesome she was, period. And this season, her show has been the fucking funniest thing on television, period.

Everything she does is simultaneously hilarious, smart, geeky and sexy. Whether she is name-dropping AfterEllen on Conan or encasing her Emmy in bubble wrap or singing pirate songs with Elmo, Tina is just terrific. Heck, I even happily sit and watch her American Express ad every time it comes on because it’s funnier than 90 percent of the shows on TV. But what really makes Tina great is that all of this seems to flow naturally from her personality. She isn’t putting on. She is genuinely a hilarious, smart, geeky and sexy woman.

Whenever I get particularly down about our vacuous celebrity culture that makes girls with sex tapes famous and reports on starlets in rehab as if they were the genocide in Darfur, I cheer myself with the realization that through all the trash, quality like Tina Fey is still able to rise to the top and outshine them all. Happy weekend and New Year, all.

p.s. Will someone please put “What? Sexy? You are. Shut up.” on a T-shirt. I so want one.


  1. Probably the greatest line from 30 Rock this season (and there were a lot of them) was when Jack looks at Liz and says "Stop dressing like a small town lesbian"

    Or when it's the shot of her playing football and she totally messes up the play and she turns around and screams "feminism!!"

    I can't say enough about this show and I just wish more people watched it and could realize it's genius... too many people are obsessed with the Office and don't know what they're missing...

  2. Anonymous5:19 AM

    "Oh, that's what we look like. Shut it down." lolololololol

  3. I couldn't agree with you more!!!

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "you can't be gay for one person. unless you're a lady and you meet Ellen." HAHAHAHAHA

  5. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Amen sista. Excellent choice. Also, I am right behind you in the "What? Sexy? You are. Shut up." t-shirt line.

  6. as a regular reader of yours, i would concur from experience that it is tina fey you crush the most.

    wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Happy 2008! You have excellent taste in crushes so I am looking forward to more of the same. Until next year... :)

  8. I adore Tina Fey. I was hoping to run into her at one of the rest stops on either the PA or OH turnpikes, but no such luck :(

  9. Anonymous10:59 AM

    To any/all who have followed any of my comments on here or on AE, the following will not only be expected but might be monotonous to some, but you know what f--k it - TINA FEY TINA FEY! YAY! YAY! F--KING YAY!!

    So sue me, all I ever want to do when I see or read about Tina Fey is cheer like a damn idiot! Is that so wrong? If it is, I don't bloody well care!


    Ms. S. Looking forward to and honored at the propsect of rocking the shit with you some more in 2008!

  10. Anonymous11:27 AM

    not a fan

  11. My personal Liz Lemon T-shirt choice would be "You like that? It's got pockets." That was one of my favorite moments. Oh, wait, or maybe a shirt that just says "Blerg."

  12. Ok, I know this isnt Tina Fey related, but if you cant contain yourself...

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Its the edited version, but what can you do?

  13. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I said this before, I'll say it again. I really like your blog! I agree mostly anything you say, and you make me laugh a lot! I absolutely agree about Tina Fey! She's geeky and adorable, and very funny! She's also pretty. I like her eyes and her breasts. I would like it if 30 Rock turned into an hour-long show. I am always disappointed when the episode ends. She makes me forget how time passes.

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