Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Be be your L

Oh, man. Just when I think I’ve gained some healthy distance from the love/hate insanity that is “The L Word.” Just when I think I’m able to see it for what it is. Just when I think I can lead a normal life. Well, then Showtime has to go and show me this. And now, damn it all, I can’t wait until January. I can’t help it. It’s like a drug. I know it’s bad for me but I MUST HAVE IT. OK, control yourself, woman. Get a grip. Do not freak out about Helena in prison orange. Do not freak out about Bette’s double-take of a sunbathing Tina. Do not freak out about Jenny’s Season 1 hair. Do not freak out about the return of lothario Shane. Do not freak out about anything and everything about Alice. I hate to admit it, but Showtime is right. There’s no fighting it.

p.s. The song, for those who might wonder, is “Be Be Your Love” by Rachael Yamagata. Lovely, no?


  1. OMFG!!! Just when I thought they couldn't possibly get any messier with the storylines... And Why on Frakking Earth is Alice crying?? Can I be frozen till January so I don't have to endure the waiting and the promo teasing? Please...

    L, from Italy

  2. Wow.Wow.Wow. That is one tasty promo!

    Everyone looks so you know sexy...

    And thats a great song, the whole Happenstance album is amazing!

    Aw, yay the WORD :)

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The song is awesome!
    I've thought I'm over this show but damn it, that promo looks good. But I swear if IC messes with my TiBette heart again I'm out. Seriously.

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    you made my week. cant wait til january.

  5. Anonymous12:37 PM

    one thousand thank youssss, dorothy!!!!

    cannot access from europe, so super-thank youuuu!!!:-)

    pepi, from ireland ^-^

    ps: you've one of the most amusing blogs anyone could ever read...

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    You said it, sista. I was perfectly functional until this damn promo came out and now I am sucked straight back in to the vortex of TLW. The detritus of my life around me, I watch that thing again and again.

    And, specifically, yummmmm to that Tasha and Alice booty.

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM


  8. Yes, lovely. Sigh, it's a long time until January.

  9. it's like crack. only better. damn.

  10. Anonymous8:55 PM

    So it looks like Jenny drifts back ashore. Dang. Oh well... I should have known better than to watch that teaser. I hate waiting! Thanks for posting this!

    btw, have you checked out The Planet Podcast with Elka and KC? Unrivaled hilarity as far as podcasts go.

  11. I don't understand the appeal of this show. I find it badly written like an afternoon soap opera.

  12. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I just can't quit you.

  13. Anonymous1:37 AM

    three months? even longer for us in the uk.

    i'll need to speak to my downloading friends!

  14. Oh my, oh my. I really want Bette and Tina to get back together. Can't wait.

    And I heart Rachael Yamagata
