Friday, September 28, 2007

U-Haul not included

Uh, so when did Elton John and k.d. lang become lesbian twinsies? I mean it -- the hair, the jacket -- it’s almost creepy. I’m having some sort of crazed “The Bitch is Back” for “Constant Craving” flashback just looking at these photos.
Also, just because it’s Friday and apropos of nothing, here is Uma Thurman’s cleavage. It kind of takes the sting off the lesbian look-alike thing, doesn’t it? Thank God it’s Friday, indeed.


  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    It's difficult to picture Leisha Hailey with k.d. when one looks at current photos of them. Has k.d. changed markedly since she and Leisha were an item?

  2. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I gotta tell ya, kd is kinda creepy looking to me these days. She's like a cube with arms and legs.
    The woman has some pipes on her though.

  3. Uma's boobies saved the day. Yay!

  4. The Yoplait chick is a lesbian? I just got off the turnip truck, so please pardon my ignorance.

  5. I like the KD Lang in the "Hanky Panky" video which I could only find on aol music with commercials. I find her look extremely attractive.
