Friday, May 18, 2007

War is Hell-oooo ladies

Welcome to TGIV, or Thank God It’s Video. Why? Because it’s the end of another long work week and the last thing you want to do is read more of my inane drivel. So kick back, and enjoy. Just keep the giggling to a minimum. It totally blows your cover at work.

p.s. If you’re feeling particularly saucy, that “V” above can stand for something else. Rhyme with angina. Meow.

Gimme that hot dirty-over-thirty NILF action, baby.

Now that is what I call smoking in the girls room. Hat tip, Sarah.

Not funny, just cool. Plus, Starbuck vs. the Bionic Woman? This femmeslash practically writes itself.


  1. Starbuck, huh? So have you finally come around, Miss Snarker? ;)

  2. i love love love the NILF video, it cracks me up big time. Thanks for spreading the joy Miss Snarker.

    TGIV in deed...

  3. I saw Samantha Bee on a panel on humor at Tribeca Film Festival a few weeks ago. She is smart, sexy and hilarious. This clip is great, thanks!!

  4. amAZing! and Sam is quite the babe herself.

  5. i think the bionic woman was my first step into the world of lesbian crushes.

    i think i was seven and i chucked a hissy because the VCR stopped recording just as Lindsay Wagner had ripped out a giant barbed wire fence post. I have never seen what she did next next.

    It's fair to say i am still devastated about it.

  6. Anonymous11:33 PM

    dear god that bionic woman stuff is ...well... hot.....
