Friday, May 18, 2007

My Weekend Crush

Mary-Louise Parker has always radiated an earthy, thinking-woman’s sexiness to me. Of course, she forever stole my heart away as Ruth in “Fried Green Tomatoes.” Raise your hand if you wished you could be her personal bee charmer, so to speak. She so impresses me with her sly beauty and understated grace that I always think more highly of whatever lucky man is wise enough to partner up with her. But, her smarter-by-association charm also rubs the other way -- like when seemingly-sensible turned scurrilous-scoundrel boyfriend Billy Crudup left her, seven months pregnant, for his “Stage Beauty” co-star Claire Danes. Oh, no he di’nt just leave Ruth alone and pregnant with his child to trade up for a younger model! (p.s. Did you see the hilarious Gawker ad that parodies the whole sorted affair?)

Of course Parker handled the situation with wit and her own brand of looking good is the best revenge, when at the 2004 Golden Globes she thanked her then newborn son for her own set of newly-acquired golden globes. Ahem. Plus, two years later when she won again she said she wanted to make out with her entire “Weeds” cast, especially Elizabeth Perkins. Swoon. Right now I’m kicking myself for not naming her one of my AfterEllen hotties. (In my defense, certain people told me I could only have 10 and then certain people – cough, Scribe, cough – went and listed 12 themselves.) So please consider the luminous Ms. Parker one of my honorary hotties, with my eternal apologies to the cosmos for her glaring omission. Happy weekend, all.


  1. I'd say make sure your top 10 starts with 10 and ends with 0 - and you can slip her in! ;)

  2. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Ms. Parker has had my admiration since "Fried Green Tomatoes".
    That's when I knew. ;)

  3. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Citizenspot...haha, how true...

    Oh Mary Louise, whereforart thy fried green tomatoes, can't she just be a publicity hunting bisexual with a camera...?

  4. Happened to be perusing someone's blogroll and was intrigued by the Dorothy Surrenders title.

    And then read your profile and decided that anyone who also liked Say Anything (If Lloyd was a girl, she's be mine, I swear it) and Lost in Translation just had to be read.

    And yeah...glad I stopped by. Very interesting stuff here....

  5. amen.

    finally, a "weekend crush" i share although i must say, MLP is my crush ALL the time :)

  6. Anonymous5:06 PM

    my weekend crush

  7. It was very cruel of me to limit you like that. I am (as Tony Soprano would say) prostate in apology.

    But look at the happy result: a lovely pic of, and paean to, MLP!

  8. GASP! I *love* Mary Louise Parker. She was also brilliant in Angels in America.

    If only she played for our team...

  9. Mary Louise is my Every Day Crush :)

    That's got to be one of the best pictures I've even seen of her - nice choice ::applause::

  10. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Mary Louise is my fav as well and I have loved her since she was featured in Long Time Companion.

    That said, I am not a fan of scribegrrl or however the hell this pretenious full of herself, a lengend in her own mind and in the mind of those who are obsessed with Jennifer Beals: the fangurl clones spells her internet name. The Midwest gal who moved to New York and would never show her face or post her real name or appear on After Ellen in that vlog with Sarah for fear of those of us who have no respect for her or her pretentions. Snark is one thing but outright hate is quite another. Crawl back under the rock whence you came, you hick.

  11. Whoa, whoa, whoa. No hating on Scribe here. That’s just a rule.

  12. Anonymous4:11 AM

    That's my opinion. But, just like so many other outlets in this country, free speech and expressing one's opinion and what many believe is hatred is OK for someone like Scribegrll and if someone says they don't like her for her hateful commentary and her obsession for one actress who is second rate, they are silenced. Fine. It doesn't surprise me in the least since you have a space and voice over at After Ellen. Conflict of interest trumpts free speach once again. Fine.

  13. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I love, love, LOVE Mary Louise and everything she does. It's funny that you describe her as "earthy" though... I've always thought of her as sort of ethereal. Either way, she's perfection.
