Friday, February 21, 2025

My Weekend Crush

One of the most important things I think we can do during this time when so many vulnerable communities are being assaulted by the full weight and breadth of the federal government, is listen to people in those communities. So when people in the trans community talk about what is needed in the years ahead, listen. When other queer people talk about what would help in the years ahead, listen. When people of color do, when immigrant communities do, when anyone that Orange Turd and that Emerald Mine Nazi Baby decides is bad or doesn’t deserve basic human rights or shouldn’t exist, we should fucking listen.

So today – while we’re all watching in real time as our entire system of government is smashed and burned to the ground by the very oligarchs who will benefit the most from its destruction – what we need to do is listen. And I can think of no one more articulate in this perilous yet all too predictable moment than the divine Laverne Cox. Her recent appearance The View is precisely the message we need to be sending at this moment. The LGBTQ+ community is strong and resilient and used to this shit. Fight the real problem, folks.

“At the end of the day, trans people are less than 1% of the population. Trans people are not the reason you can’t afford eggs. We’re not the reason you can’t afford healthcare. We’re not the reason you can’t buy a house or your rent is too high. I think you’re focused on the wrong 1%. I think the other 1% is the reason for all those things.”
Ex-fucking-actly. The oligarchs who are raiding our collective national pantry right now know what they’re doing. They know scapegoating has been one of the most effective tactics of the ruling class since time immemorial. Us, the people with all the power and the wealth and the resources? No, no, we’re not the problem.

You don’t have enough because this other person who also doesn’t have enough has anything at all. So take their stuff and you’ll have enough! Yet it works, time and time and time again. That brown person is why your life is miserable. That trans person is why your life is miserable. No, you’re miserable because we live in a world where we have the means and the resources for everyone to have enough yet we instead allow the smallest select fraction at the top to hoard and control everything.

I actually think all the bro-ligarchs decided the workers of the world were getting a little too uppity – what with us forming unions and demanding better working conditions and liveable wages – and decided now was the time to strike. Their objective, of course, is to return to their roles as feudal lords (I’ve already heard talk of the return to company towns, hello) to create an even cheaper workforce.

That’s easy to do if you erase every last speck of good that the government can do. So then the people’s only recourse will be to turn to those billionaires bosses and corporate overlords for any hope of salvation – money, food, shelter, et all. They want a quiet and compliant workforce that just shuts up already about their rights and is grateful to toil for their exclusive benefit. Duh!

Anyway, all this wanton destruction, cruelty and idiotry to give billionaires more tax cuts. As Laverne said, I think you’re focused on the wrong 1%. Eat the fucking rich. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Thank you for this message of truth. I am worried sick as those two are now targeting South Africa and spreading so much falsehoods. We do not need economic turmoil as we do not have the wealth of the USA. Wishing you a good weekend.

  2. Mr Orange Face (S)Hitler HAS to be in the spotlight / his “religion” .
