Friday, January 31, 2025

My Weekend (Crying) Crush

Well, we made it through Week 2 of Orange Turd 2.0. Only 206 weeks (we hope) to go. So let’s use this time to slip once more into the dream/nightmare/WTF-scape of David Lynch’s mind. “Mulholland Drive” is one of my favorite Lynch offerings because who isn’t a sucker for murderous lesbianism? Life is endlessly strange and all-too-often dark. Not everything makes sense. But we can still find beauty within the chaos. The “Llorando” scene is a masterpiece in storytelling, with only an introduction of singer Rebekah Del Rio and no other spoken dialogue. But the sequence is the beginning of the end for Betty’s “reality” and return to Diane’s real reality. While I doubt we’ll all find a blue box and a secret key that whisks us into a different world – we certainly can dream, if only for a little while. Yes, I realize we’d probably want to reverse the order of her dream-box metamorphosis in this historical moment. But, life is strange and not fair. At least there’s still art. Happy weekend, all.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego9:52 AM

    that’s the one I rewatched too. No hay Banda.
