Tuesday, January 21, 2025

How It Feels To Be Free

Here is a little fortification for our hearts, minds and spines from the inimitable Nina Simone for what lies ahead. Will I get back to posting about joyous queer pop culture ephemera? Yes, of course. But, not gonna lie. It may take a minute. Until then, courage.


  1. Be kind to yourself and with time you will discover some joy again. Have a lovely day Dorothy.

  2. fridax11:26 AM

    It's an uphill battle (but the soundtrack is great). Bon courage, DS!

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Take your time. I’m enjoying the music.

    As someone in Scotland who full on screamed at the TV the other day in utter rage/disgust/disbelief at you-know-who using outright racism to make political capital over a plane disaster , I can’t imagine what decent Americans are going through.

    Stay strong my American sistern.
