Monday, September 02, 2024

Music Monday: March to the Polls

Even if we all fell for that social media rumor about Beyonce (which is a reminder that no matter how problematic mainstream media can be, they’re still more reliable than TMZ or influencers), the DNC was not without its musical superstars. Stevie Wonder. Lil Jon. Pink. And, of course, The Chicks. I say of course because Natalie, Martie, and Emily have been on the political frontlines for more than 20 years.

The Youths among us may not remember but they were one of the OG cancel culture victims. This was before the term was used as a cudgel by conservatives whining about being shunned for their terrible, hurtful beliefs, but progressives being literally banned from country music radio and having their CDs (gosh, remember those) crushed by, again, literal steamrollers.

That they were able to emerge from that much concentrated bile and refuse to be silenced (or Make Nice, ahem), is a testament to their own foundational beliefs. The ladies released “March” in the summer of 2020 when we were on the verge of another make-or-break American election. And they returned in 2024 to sing the national anthem at the DNC. Sadly, the cause today is no less urgent. I truly think the human body is not equipped to endure THREE Trump presidential campaigns in one lifetime. Yet here we are, marching to the polls once again. Sixty-three days to go, America. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Spread the word dear Dorothy. This weekend I had visitors from UK en family from Germany , and all of us is so worried for a next term of Trump.

  2. Kudos to The Chicks...
    ... saying and remembering their names does cause me to want to make sure I vote! Thanks for the motivational reminder!

  3. Shouda been Hilary.
