Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Any Lesbians In the Building?

Lights, camera, murder! Everyone’s favorite multi-generational true crime murder podcasters are back, and investigating the gayest murder so far. OK, fine, perhaps killing off (or at least so it seems…though the knee joints are hard to fake…RIP, Sazz) the show’s most consistently queer character might not be my favorite way to start a new season. Though I do enjoy the extra hallucinatory Jane Lynch we’re getting to see this season instead. Plus, great homicidal queer representation with the bonus [Spoiler Alert if you haven’t watched the first two episodes yet…] Jan sighting. Anyway, I think what I’m trying to say is for a show set in New York City it needs more consistently queer characters. No, Mabel Season 2 does not count unless we see some of the same in Mabel Season 4 (we all know there was none Mabel Season 3). Harumpf. I will, however, accept more scenes where Meryl Streep chews the scenery as an apology – for now. In conclusion, more gays please – and not just as murder victims.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego10:24 AM

    Bring back Delevigne!
