Wednesday, August 14, 2024

La Langue Lesbian

@lievelingspaars Emergencyyyy… #jodiefoster #wlw #masterclass ♬ origineel geluid - Carmen
This really needs no explanation. But in this week’s spirit of extreme randiness, it felt like my obligation to share it with you all. You’re welcome. Also, I consider it the definitive answer to the video below. Lesbianism, the answer is definitely lesbianism for both videos. Happy Hump Day, indeed.


  1. Thank you Dorothy for feeling obliged to share the videos, much appreciated :)

  2. This was an unexpectedly good start to my morning. Thank you kindly.

  3. Carmen San Diego4:28 PM

    I have always loved Jodie but I especially love out-Jodie

  4. Anonymous1:05 PM

    WOW, amazing FOOTAGE! I don't know where else could I witness evolution of me·di·oc·ri·ty

  5. fridax1:14 PM

    WOW, anon is hi-la-ri-ou-s 😈. Nonsense aside, love how Jodie is just having a good times these days. Well deserved.
