Friday, May 31, 2024

My Weekend Wedding Crush

Look, even as a person who is less than 100 days from being officially, officially, divorced, I can still appreciate love and marriage and even weddings. So I was rather tickled to read the glowing marriage announcements in both The New York Times and People of Maria Bello and Dominique Crenn. First, I’m tickled they made it. They’ve been dating (and engaged) forever in celebrity years. And second, of all the kinds of weddings, gay weddings are clearly my favorites. Duh. And finally third, I love it when queer love gets treated just like straight love in major media, because I’m old enough to remember when it very much wasn’t. So mazel tov to Maria and Dominique. May they live a long, happy and extremely gay life together. Happy weekend and start of Pride tomorrow, all.


  1. Forty years ago , when I was in my twenties, this was way beyond my imagitaion. Thanks for sharing the joy Dorothy and have a lovely weekend.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Crenn has ‘it’. I still can’t put my finger on what ‘it’ is but Crenn has it in spades.

    What joyous news - I’ll echo poster above, except only ( ha!) thirty years ago for me to be in my 20s.

    Thanks Helena for making me feel young on the internet for a change x

  3. Carmen San Diego11:06 PM

    Oh yay for Maria Bello

  4. Shasta6:56 AM

    There’s that odd feeling when a formerly perceived as straight crush turns out to be queer! Maria Bello! 🥰🥰🥰
