Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Good Night, Country

Yep, I’m still into this show. Yep, I’m also disappointed that the past beef between Jodie Foster’s Danvers and Kali Reis’s Navarro has seemingly nothing to do with a lesbians lover’s quarrel. Like, who are we kidding? This is 2023. Even straight people read Navarro and Danvers as uber queer. I mean, Chief D could still be a real fuck boy (and, you know, bit of an asshole) if she was queer - plus it would just make more sense. But we did at least get the reveal that Navarro used to, at least some point in the past, date girls. Well, according to Danvers. So, you know, here's hoping. And they’re keeping things interesting and spooky (and increasingly spookier) and without any standard-issue macho posturing. At least there’s that. Plus, who can resist the opening theme? Between the prospect of Navarro (possibly) going back to girls, Danvers’s queer daughter and using “Bury a Friend” by newly minted queer icon (and Grammy winner) Billie Eilish, I will take whatever gay wins we can get from this show. (But, again, make it gay, you cowards.) And this song, yeah, now that’s how you do interesting and spooky...and gay.


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I can’t w the song tho! It’s in Sing (1 or 2 don’t remember cuz my kids watch them so much it’s a blur!!) ur song can’t be creepy spooky once you’ve licensed it to a cartoon

  3. Carmen San Diego9:30 PM

    I like the show. Talking about music, I recently saw somebody pointing out that the Corpsicle is twisted and shouting.
