Monday, September 25, 2023

Music Monday: Dolly & Linda

I love the ageless Dolly Parton. I love the seemingly equally ageless Linda Perry. And together on a cover of “What’s Up?” I mean, what’s not to love? Except the brutal fact that this cover is 30 years old. THIRTY. 4 Non-Blondes released that hit in 1993. I know, I can feel that one in my knees. In fact, it makes me feel as ancient as a fossil on the Dorset coast with dreams of being dug up by Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan (deep “Ammonite” cut anyone?) Anyway. Still a good song though. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Thank you for the joy of Dolly on a Monday morning. And rest assured that Kate will find you first as this fossil is a few strata below you. Have a good week Dorothy.

  2. Carmen San Diego7:31 AM

    Oh god I was in high school when that song was on the charts

  3. Dolly is the greatest!! I loooooove her!!!!
