Friday, June 30, 2023

My Weekend Crush(ed)

Please believe me when I say this that it comes with the utmost of sincerity and from the very deepest part of my soul, FUCK THIS FUCKING COURT. As feared, those motherfuckers went and legalized discrimination against LGBTQ+ people on the last day of Pride. Like I said, FUCK THIS FUCKING COURT.

Yesterday it was People of Color. Today it is LGBTQ+ people. Last year it was women & pregnant people. And, just for good measure, they said fuck them kids and canceled President Biden’s student debt cancellation. This far-right court is determined to only respect the rights of Christian white men and corporations — which of course are run by Christian white men.

Even if it wasn’t a surprise (because we all knew this would be the outcome of Democrats losing the 2016 election, and definitely definitely knew after the death of RBG), we’re fucked. We are truly and sincerely fucked, and it’s OK to be angry or — as I was for the last nine consecutive hours — CONSUMED BY RAGE.

How dare this unelected, unaccountable and entirely corrupt (How many student loans could all those free luxury vacations pay off, Clarence and Samuel? How many?) court roll back the hard-won rights of progress? But never forget that these so-called Justices are not our lords and masters. They’re activist ideologues who (well three of them) were all appointed by a so-called President who inspired a political coup and lied about election results and stole classified documents and sexually assaulted so many women and banned Muslims and separated children from their parents.

That’s the thing about That Orange Stain. We’ll be fighting to undo his damage for likely the rest of our damn lives. Some of us will never outlive it. Elections, they always have consequences. The consequences of 2016 will reverberate throughout future history. And, as always, Hillary was right.

(Legit, I know Biden isn’t perfect. I know the Democrats can lack a spine. But JESUSFUCKINGCHRISTONADAMNCRACKER please just vote for him in 2024. Please. No third party or staying home bullshit. Or none of us will outlive Trump’s legacy of horror. None of us.)

Look, I don’t have anything particularly eloquent to say other than to let this moment, let this feeling radicalize you to the need for sweeping, transformational systematic changes. Poor people gonna rise up, and all of that. Expand the court. Set term limits. Create real ethics rules and oversight. Do something, do anything.

But no matter what, always remember that no court can take away what is right. Your religion does not trump by personhood. Our humanity is not up for debate. Happy last day of Pride and weekend, all. And FUCK THIS FUCKING COURT.