Friday, June 09, 2023

My Weekend Crush

Oh, Padma. Padma, Padma, Padma. Admittedly, I stopped watching “Top Chef” a while ago. It wasn’t that I stopped enjoying the show, it’s just that I’ve weaned myself off basically all reality competition shows. (Truly, the only reality TV I watch these days are shows about cooking or shows about travel, preferably shows about cooking AND travel — but more on that later.) But it has continued to be a quality series about two things I love: food and Padma Lakshmi. Her announcement last week that she was leaving the food franchise was the end of an era, but I’m certain will not be the last by a long shot that we’ve seen of Padma.

I recently finished the second season of Padma’s “Taste the Nation,” which is a lovely show that follows her as she explores the diverse heritage of “American” cuisine. It’s one of those travel cooking shows I adore, in a field weirdly dominated by dudes (and white dudes at that — think Bourdain and Zimmern and Tucci and that Feed Phil guy). But her show is informative and a feast for the eyes, in no small part because of Padma’s curiosity and appetite — both which are on full display. And on a completely shallow note, I’ve never seen a more gorgeous person while eating. I mean, JUST LOOK AT HER. I know she will continue to highlight the often overlooked world of food. Here’s to a future filled with more Padma eating for our enjoyment and education. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Aretha Jones11:25 AM

    Always this:

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    When do we get a vegan lesbian food travel show?

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Kristen Kish "Restaurants at the End of the World". It is almost lesbian vegan.
