Monday, April 17, 2023

Music Monday: Jill Sobule Edition

Yes, the 90s nostalgia continues and I’m not even a little sorry about it. Remember Jill Sobule? Remember that other “I Kissed a Girl” song from 1995 (not the aughts song over a decade later about cherry Chapstick from that reformed Christian singer)? I sure do. The difference was one was about exploration and the other about exploitation, and of course the presence of THE Fabio. Jill Sobule is among that plucky class of female singer-songwriters with guitars trying to be heard above the synthesized din of that era’s reigning boy and girl bands of the late 90s and early 00s. She always had such a joyful, winsome way about her. Her biggest hits, “I Kissed a Girl” and “Supermodel,” were wonderful little windows into womanhood (well, I mean not so wonderful in the case of “Supermodel,” but real). Earlier this year Jill celebrated the two-year anniversary of her successful brain surgery. Yes, brain surgery. She had been diagnosed with essential tremors, making performing difficult near impossible. She posted a clip of herself, in the operating room, with her guitar. With sensitive brain surgeries like this, they often want the subject to be awake to test their faculties and in Jill’s case her hands. So, she played ”Supermodel” while they operated on her brain which is so rock star I can’t even stand it. Like Mick, Bono and Bruce could never. Keep on strumming, Jill, Happy Monday, kittens.

1 comment:

  1. And she had a successful run of her off-Broadway musical, "F*ck 7th Grade" at The Wild Project. She was supported by Antigone Rising's Nini Camps and Kristen Henderson, as well as Julie Wolf!

