Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Second Inning, Sorta

Let’s all experience a roller coaster together. “A League of Their Own” has been renewed! Wheee! Amazon Prime has agreed to a second and final season for the series. OK, not sure why they have to be so final about it, but grateful still. And it will only be four episodes long. What the? Oh, and none of that is actually finalized yet, so probably keep hounding Amazon Prime maybe!?!?!?!?

So that was yesterday afternoon’s roller coaster of queer lady emotions. Yay, the show we love is coming back, fine, it’s for a final season, shit, made up of only four episodes, what, and maybe not even that or maybe more? Anyway, keep bugging Amazon Prime is what I heard out of all of this so I am dutifully doing that.

But mostly I’m just tired. I’m tired of having to beg for good things. I’m tired of queer women and POC’s stories being treated as niche and unmarketable. I’m tired of having to fight and scrap for the continuation of unquestionably good things (it has a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes for crying out loud — by comparison “The Last of Us” which has been heavily touted and critically lauded has a 96% rating). I’m tired of any programming that isn’t default made for a white cis het male audience being generally ignored, under promoted and outright cancelled. I’m just damn tired.

But I guess if four more episodes is all we get, well, you’d better believe we’re going to make the most out of them. And I have faith that Abbi Jacobson and Will Graham will treat these women, their lives and these stories with the respect and dignity and joy they deserve. Let’s play ball, even if only for a little while longer.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego8:53 AM

    All we get is crumbs and we have to be grateful about it
