Monday, February 13, 2023

Music Monday: Tori Time

Peak TV has given us a Kate Bush Renaissance (thanks, Strangers Things). And a Linda Ronstadt moment (still crying about that, The Last of Us). How about a Tori Amos Revival? Specifically Tori Amos from her “Little Earthquakes” era. My fucking gods, that album. I was lucky enough to see her perform behind that and her “Under the Pink” albums a few times. She was and remains a kinetic shock of piano bench straddling swagger and gloriously reckless abandon with the ability to sear her voice directly onto your soul. Fuck, that’s a good album. So, the choice is yours, TV music procurers. Pick any song off this album, or any of her albums. Like, could you imagine “Precious Things” playing over a key scene? Yeah. Fuck, yeah. It’s Tori time. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. I have seen Tori play twice live in my hometown of Brisbane and am a big fan of her music -

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Watching Mona Lisa Smile recently — Tori has a musical cameo, which was fun
