Monday, February 27, 2023

Music Monday: As Ani Says

Well, this weekend my ex told me she had starting seeing someone. And while this news is only to be expected, given the circumstances, it’s still hard. Hard, but also clarifying. Anyway, here’s “Untouchable Face.” Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Stalking Sarah5:41 AM

    This reminded me of this scene from When Harry Met Sally:

    I remember when I heard my ex had started dating. A friend came over and wouldn't take her coat off:
    "Take your coat off," I said, "sit down!"
    "I need to tell you something... Ex is dating again."
    "Okay, fine, whatever."
    "She's dating This Specific Person."
    "Keep your coat on, we're going out."

    Hope you find comfort in Dilate and When Harry Met Sally etc.

  2. Shasta7:31 PM

    I feel like the laziest queer woman for never educating myself on the Ani DiFranco magic. I have no excuse!
    Sending lots of hugs to you.

  3. Just so you know, we hate her. (The ex, not Ani)

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Sending hugs
