Thursday, January 19, 2023

Pre-L Interruptus

Well, well, well. Showtime has not posted the screener for the finale (the real finale this time, not the one I made up in my head). And they’ve not posted pictures of the finale yet either. But if they do either today, I will bring you a Pre-L of sorts as soon as I can. Until then, without going into specific spoilers, what do you want to have happen in this the possibly last episode of The L Word? Wedding bells? Lots of shagging? Questionable relationships with exes, real and non-corporeal? Or maybe just Carmen? A gal can dream. Just no waterfalls and no pools perhaps.


  1. January 2004 seems a long time ago! My wishes are simple just Tasha and also Tibette.

  2. Just wait: Alice will awaken from a fever dream and roll down to breakfast at the lesbian assisted Living home with the cast. It was all a dream!

  3. Carmen San Diego12:25 PM

    If they lock Bette and Tina up in the fridge and Micah and Maribel take their place in the wedding I will throw my drink against the wall of the bar

  4. Carmen San Diego12:29 PM

    What I want:
    - GIGI! The answer is always Gigi
    - Carmen is the DJ of the reception and reunites with Shane
    - Helena Peabody returning as a guest of the wedding and decides to move back to LA
    - no Micah, no Maribel, no Sophie, no Finley. Why would they be invited? They aren’t friends with Bette and Tina

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Low maintenance me - I’d settle for

    No manatees
    (Screw the rest…)

    That’ll do x

  6. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Good thing you didn’t get screeners, saved you from this shit show.
