Monday, December 19, 2022

Music Monday: Still Manic

Damn, I miss The Bangles. Admit it, 80s girl pop groups will always be the coolest. And The Bangles, well, swoon forever. Did I mention Susanna Hoffs still sounds (and looks, swoong again) amazing? Plus, it is Monday after all. I will probably be posting shorter this week, as I will have a friend visiting and the whole holidays and all that. So, may this week be merry and bright for you all. Or, at very least, not too manic. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Take your time Dorothy - we are all here for you . Happy friend visiting time .

  2. Wishing you a good time with your friend and that the festive time will not be too manic for you. Also a belated thank you for the Cindi post on Saturday , the song always makes me sad and happy.

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