Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Sweet Surrender

OK, kittens. Here goes. Honestly, I hate doing this. I truly hate it. But people, some of you included, have been telling me to reach out for help when I need it. And, accordingly, I’ve been trying to do just that as I navigate my little life implosion. (To recap, my wife has rather suddenly decided to move out and end our marriage, and she is taking the dog too.) So, I am asking for some financial help to get me through this rough patch.

I am loath to ask, especially because I asked earlier this year for my 16th blogiversary (fuck, I’m old) and you so kindly delivered. But I am currently in need of several thousands of dollars to help pay off my car and some other things (as well as replace the sundry household items that the separation is Thanos snapping out of my life), to lower my monthly expenditures. It would also be nice to have more of a buffer as I navigate the steep drop from a two-income household to just my sad salary.

Going forward, I plan to look into ways to sign up for some more regular and secure crowdfunding platforms, but the chaos of my marriage ending is taking up most of my energies right now. I appreciate all of your suggestions and advice, keep ‘em coming, and will research them once I can think clearly again.

Truly, I’ve been so touched by your comments and concerns for me. One of the things I’ve feel proudest about is creating a place where like-minded queer women and supporters can come and celebrate their interests in a respectful and joyful way for the past 16 years. It doesn’t feel parasocial to me, it feels like I have all of these friends who I just haven’t met yet surrounding me right now.

So, thank you. That alone is so much that, again, it makes me feel sheepish asking for more. But if you have a few dollars to spare, I would be endlessly humbled if you’d consider donating. I have included Venmo and Paypal links (finally, for my international kittens). In the comments, if you could write “Birthday Present,” that will make life easier come tax time. Plus, it actually is my birthday today. So there’s that.

How to Donate:

Venmo: @Dorothy-Snarker
Paypal: idgie2@hotmail.com

Thank you in advance. Also yes, please, laugh at the Hotmail address on my Paypal account, I told you I was old.


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Hugs. Sent a little something, and hope that you are getting lots of good support from your IRL friends.

  2. ExceptForBunnies8:10 AM

    I hope that some of your birthday can be happy today despite everything. Sending you love from Germany (and Idgie2 got sth., too, who could resist that name?)

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Have a good birthday today lady. I shall go and see if I can revive my ole paypal to send you a well-deserved Bday gift.

  4. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Sent a little something. Here's to a new year. Big hug.
    (IMO, T\take ads on your blog. you deserve the cash for your years of work here. )

  5. fridax11:02 AM

    Hope you get back on your feet soon... In spite of everything, happy birthday (a few $$ sent your way).

  6. I'm hoping things improve for you soon. Your blog has been a constant joy for me for the last decade and a half - and I owe you big time for introducing me to Wynonna Earp. I've sent sent a bit on PP. Best wishes

  7. Happy Birthday and Ugh! for what you’re going through. May things get better for you soon. I sent to idgie2 - I hope it helps.

  8. Carmen San Diego2:47 PM


  9. Anonymous4:13 PM

    So sorry you're hurting, life throws some awful things at us sometimes. Glad you've asked for help, From AE days I've read your rambling regularly and appreciate all your work. I've managed to send a small amount on PP. Sending healing thoughts from the UK.

  10. Aimsel6:31 PM

    Least I could do was chip in a few dollars. Happy birthday!

  11. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Ugh. My wife just left me too. I feel your heartache and can send a few bucks your way. Wishing you better days ahead.

  12. Big virtual hug, and a little birthday present, coming your way. Take care of yourself. You've made a good corner of the internet for a lot of people here. <3

  13. Oh PS: It will be coming from my husband's Venmo though, lol. His initials are AB.

  14. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I’m so sorry. My wife of 9 years just walked out on me, too. I know how tough it is to get back on your feet ESPECIALLY with such raw emotions. I will try to help out.

  15. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Happy birthday, a little something coming your way through PP! (who can resist idgie2, I fell in love with Fried Green Tomatoes after reading about it on this very blog years ago!)

  16. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Well I missed the instruction of what to leave in the note. Poop.

  17. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sent a bit. I know what it's like and I know how it feels to not have the resources or financial support to get thru this... Be gentle with yourself and know that your followers will be steadfast

  18. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Would be more then happy to pay for a monthly subscription : )
