Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Tank Top Tuesday: Top Hawke

Look, I’m not necessarily proud of this. But Maya Hawke is, indeed very legal at age 24. She is, of course, wayyy to young for An Old like me. But I can also, respectfully, appreciate the genius of genetics. Like, does it feel weird that I used to think both her parents were hot back in the day? Yes, yes of course it does. But Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke were/are ostensibly very hot human people who are good in the face and talent departments. So it only stands to reason that their offspring might be a worthy chip off that familial block. I’m no nepotism baby apologist. But, uh, I can understand why The Youths might consider Maya a worthy crush object. Again, respectfully. Oh, and nice tank top. I am nothing if not on theme. Respectfully. Ahem.


  1. Funny, as I'm in the middle of watching her mum in the movie 'Henry & June' right now because I'm reading 'Tropic of Cancer' and wondering why Henry Miller was such a big deal back in the day, apart from getting his books banned for obvious reasons.

  2. Carmen San Diego7:44 AM

    Very Hot nepotism baby

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Maya was good in Do Revenge. Fun and reminiscent movie of my teens (80’s) and 90’s vibe. Great writing and film by director Jennifer Robinson!! She really made it nostalgic and modern twist too. Good one liners!

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    p.s. - at least you’re not doing the Leonardo DiCaprio thang! šŸ˜‚ baby!
