Friday, October 07, 2022

My Weekend Crush

Even though she’s not queer/married to a perfectly nice fella, I’ve always believed Melanie Lynskey belonged to us gays. From the first time she smashed her way into our collective conscience as the quietly terrifying half of the deadly teenage wlw duo in “Heavenly Creatures,” Melanie has had at very least a queer friendly if not outright queer vein to her work. So, when queer comic Bec Shaw noted how smart “The Last of Us” was to give us some surprise Melanie in their first trailer, the immensely talented actress responded in kind. Then when a straight cis-het dude chimed in to pull attention, her polite yet firm dismissal of his self-centering was instantly iconic. Like, come on. (He was even so epically shamed, he then deleted it.) Yeah, she might not be gay. But The Gays nothing but approve/appreciate of her everything. Also, OMFG, is she freaking excellent in “Yellowjackets,” and how much can’t you wait for the second season to get here already? Happy weekend, all.


  1. http://www.erinoriordan.blogspot.com4:12 AM

    I do love a lady with a nice Kiwi accent.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    She won me over as Hillary in But I’m a Cheerleader when she was giving Megan the schedule rundown. The way she said “group therapy until lunch!” like an adorable kiwi drill sargent. Brilliant lady.

  3. Carmen San Diego8:46 AM

    Shut the door in his face, Melanie

  4. Anonymous6:44 PM

    When she was on This Just Out with Liz Feldman. Her interview starts at 13:22.

  5. Anonymous3:27 AM

    I used to fancy my ex roomie who was straight. Could gather the courage to male a move. Instead harassed, blackmailed fun..
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