Monday, August 08, 2022

Music Monday: Under the Pink

Pink gets it. Pink definitely gets it. My wife’s longtime favorite singer (and a fav of mine as well) is back with a new music video that covers basically everything in this world that’s making you feel exhausted and/or enraged. The video goes from the early suffragettes and Civil Rights Movement leaders to Black Live Matter, the SCOTUS abortion ban, rising white nationalism, school shootings, the Jan. 6 insurrection, Fox fucking News, and more. The kids are not all right. But we’re still alive, and we’re going to keep fighting all of this bullshit for our rights. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Pink knows how to deliver the truth. Have a great week Dorothy.

  2. Carmen San Diego6:35 AM

    Pink is great and underrated

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    There's nothing to get, I am a person of color and like me many people of color I see the current action of the supreme court as nothing more than a ploy to force white women to have more children (preferably white children). Before the other reader tar and feather me, hear me out.

    This ruling has NOTHING to do with the Sanctity of Life, you can tell by the glassy eyed, robotic rhetoric exhibited by anti-choice supporters who show no empathy for individuals on death row who may be by some slim chance not guilty of the crime they've been convicted of.

    I am well aware of how extreme my opinion reads, this is still about increasing the population that fears it is becoming America's newest minority.

    This overturning of Roe v. Wade has the unintended consequence of forcing more disenfranchised white, Latino, and black women of any ethnicity to endure unwanted pregnancies, thus increasing populations of the marginalized and the disenfranchised thus reinforcing the dominance of the group in question..

    I call it as I see it, and wish more people did the same.

  4. Sadly so very very true - "the kids are not alright" - Thank You P!NK for calling out Tyrant tRump, Voldemort McConnell, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett et al.. The SKROTUS (Sickening Kangaroo Court of Trump's Unscrupulous Sleazoids) have to go.
    Thank You for posting this - I needed it... the whole country needs it... the world needs it.
