Thursday, March 03, 2022

Gender Fuck Thursday: A Cate Who Can Do Both

So you know that meme, “Get you a man who can do both?” Well, as as a Professional Lesbian I’m not so into the “man” part. But the “do both” part? Yeah, we can do both. And if we’re Cate Blanchett, we can do both at the same awards show. Earlier this month Cate attended the Goya Awards (Spain’s Oscars) and showed up first in a suit and then in a dress (well, ropes of crystals pretending to be a dress, but let’s not get nitpicky) to pick up an International Goya Award. I say any excuse to see Cate show off her butch and femme sides is OK by this gay gal. So, which do you prefer? So, which do you prefer? Masc Cate or Crystals Cate? I know, both.


  1. Carmen San Diego12:32 PM

    Ideally butch Cate would date femme Cate… what an attractive couple that would be…

  2. Shasta8:16 PM

    I’m firmly on board with both versions of Cate!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
