Friday, January 28, 2022

My Weekend (Casting) Crush

Look, I really enjoyed “Yellowjackets.” And, as I’ve mentioned, the pitch perfect teen/adult casting for the parallel timeline story is part of that appeal. Now, if you’ve watched (and you should watch) the full first season, you are left with new, tantalizing casting questions.

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t finished the season stop reading now. Now. NOW.

Right, so, who should play Lottie Matthews? The reigning Antler Queen appears to be the Big Bad, or at very least a present-day cult leader, of the series in the finale’s shocking reveal that her minions are out there (sporting the woodsy, witchy insignia that kept popping up). Showrunner have confirmed that Adult Lottie will make an appearance in the second season. So, it’s time, which Gen. X actress should play the grown-up Courtney Eaton? Who is the 40-something Antler Queen?

Obviously, I have some suggestions.

Shannyn Sossamon

Why her? The early 2000s rom-com star has the look and the range. Her turn on former favorite “Sleepy Hollow” shows she can pull off the spooky stuff too.

Fairuza Balk

Why her? Come on, it’s Fairuza Balk! I mean, if we’re talking witchy I’d say so one is better. And crazy, come on, can that woman play crazy.

Summer Glau

Why her? A dark horse candidate, but her action and sci-fi bonafides make her an interesting choice. I mean, she was River – obviously she can play damaged yet deadly.

While we’re doing dream casting, how about we get unhealthily obsessed with who is the perfect person to play Van. The show’s resident red-haired lesbian, played as a teen by Liv Hewson (who played gay before in “Let It Snow” and is themselves gay and non-binary). Again, I have some suggestions.

Lauren Ambrose

Why her? I mean, look at her. LOOK AT HER.

Merritt Wever

Why her? If you’ve seen Merritt in literally anything before, you know why.

Alicia Witt

Why her? She was literally playing a sarcastic red-haired teen during the exact era our Yellowjackets were wandering through the forest.

So, who should be our Lottie and Van? Discuss amongst yourselves. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Natasha Lyonne for Van!


  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Shannyn Sossamon, hands down, for Lottie. I love The Craft as much as anyone, but Shannyn would be PERFECT. And honestly any of the choices for Van, but I, too, LOVE Merritt. Van is not a small person, and neither is Merritt.
