Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Is This A Joke?

You know when something makes you say, “Is this real life?” But, uh, not necessarily in a good way. Well the trailer for the new limited Peacock series “Joe v. Carole” made me do just that last weekend when it debuted. Like, this is an SNL skit, right? RIght?

Wait, I’m getting some new information. *holds finger to imaginary earpiece* Sorry, so sorry, I can in fact confirm this is real. Repeat, this is a real thing in the world that is really happening. Ok then.

Now, like every other locked down idiot at the start of the pandemic, I binged “Tiger King.” It was a stupid, trashy balm for a chaotic, fightening time. But with time it became less fun and just more grotesque. Like, people died. And big cats became the ultimate victim of these people’s endlessly destructive striving for fame, glory and capitalism.

But, dammit, if the cast isn’t sort of amazing. Kate freaking McKinnon? John Cameron Mitchell? And Kyle MacLachlan? That makes me think it might be kind of good? Or at least interesting? Perhaps campy even? I am pulling for campy hard because otherwise *oooof*.


  1. Unfortunately, the Tiger King just wanted to get money, and he could not care less if the animals died .

  2. It's real alright.
    It was filmed in Australia.
    Around my hometown Brisbane and the Gold Coast in the state of Queensland.
    Interestingly Kyle shares February 22nd as a birthday with the Crocodile Hunter.
    This year known as Twos-Day (22/2/2022).
    But Kyle is 3 years older than Steve.
    Steve would have turned 60 this year if he was still alive.
    Plus he was born in the Year of the Tiger like Bindi, and of course after Jan 31st it
    will be the Year of the Water Tiger :-)

  3. Carmen San Diego7:29 AM

    Sorry Kate McKinnon. I love you but it’s gonna be a “no” from me.
