Monday, October 04, 2021

Music Monday: For Good

Please, like we all aren’t big sloppy suckers when it comes to seeing Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel hold hands together and sing! Broadway celebrated its big return after a year-and-a-half dark with a Tony Awards show featuring some of its biggest stars. And who else would they bring back but Cheno and Adele Dazeem? Awww. Plus it is October, so let the witches sing, Universe! This makes me wanna go sit in a room with a bunch of (masked and vaccinated) strangers again. Happy Monday, kittens.

p.s. Please consider this post a mea culpa in lieu of traditional SGALGG posts for this past month’s various award shows & red carpet events (Met Gala, Emmys, Tonys, et al). It’s actually been harder finding SGALGG art these days, which considering we’re all still stuck in this endless pandemic is perhaps for good. But I do have a little something, something planned for you soon. I promise.

p.p.s. Some bonus “Rent” and “Ragtime” numbers in there as well, because my goodness it’s been 18 months dark for these folks. Let them sing.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego7:56 AM

    I love me some Wicked
    Still waiting for the movie….
