Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Vacation Vixen: Gunpowder Milkshake

As promised, I watched “Gunpowder Milkshake” basically as soon as it came out. And while it has flaws and isn’t a perfect movie, I did greatly enjoy it’s moxie and matriarchal assassin society. Plus, goodness, you can’t beat that cast. I mean, you can beat them, but these ladies beat right back and then some. While the story is a bit Lady John Wick-ish, honestly it’s just refreshing to have women continue to enter the male-dominated action world and kick all kinds of ass. And, I mentioned the cast, right? Lena, Karen, Angela, Michelle, Carla. Yeah, gimme a movie filled with unbelievably talented women and point them at something to attack and I’m yours for two hours.

p.s. Had to add one more picture because I mean, look at them.


  1. Carmen San Diego6:41 AM

    It’s already out? Oooh gotta watch this tonight

  2. Great movie to watch after frustrating days of being deluged with oppressive patriarchal bullshit!
    I must have watched it al least 10 times, watched it again last night,
    and will no doubt watch it many, many more times! :D
