Tuesday, August 17, 2021

This Is One Man's World

Well now, if this doesn’t pass the Bechdel Test then I give up. At first glance the new series “Y: The Last Man” may seem like the ultimate lesbian wish fulfilment. (Kidding, we don’t want to kill ALL the men, we just want ALL the men to treat us equally! Alas.) But hopefully what it is is a fantastic showcase for what looks like an amazing cast of female actors: Diane Lane, Olivia Thirlby, Amber Tamblyn, Ashley Romans (who played gay in “Shameless”) and more. And it’s also been confirmed that trans men will be a part of the show, which is great. Also, in a world devoid of all but one dude, you have to think lesbianism will start to look like an appealing option. Just sayin’. I haven’t read the graphic novels on which this new TV adaptation is based, but I have hopes this could be like a lady-led “Walking Dead.” Like maybe it’s a post-apocalyptic world where for once we don’t have to still smash the patriarchy. (Kidding, we all know women internalize the patriarchy and its protection, particularly white women!). Though, and this is an admittedly small quibble, even in a world basically devoid of men, we still find a way to center that one singular guy and make the whole title of the show about him. Some things never change.


  1. Carmen San Diego6:35 AM

    I’ve been meaning to read this graphic novel for the longest

  2. Hi, as a life-long lesbian (natch) and comic fan, I'll say that the "Y: The Last Man" series is one of the best ever and was a formative reading experience for me. By the look of the trailer, it looks to be as nuanced as the graphic novel.

  3. Can you explain what the L Word has something to do with a Vaccine? https://off-guardian.org/2021/08/22/this-week-in-the-new-normal-3/
