Friday, March 12, 2021

My Weekend Crush

Did I say Jodie and Jennifer were friends in the 1980s? Yeah, looks like they were still friends 20 years later in the early 2000s. I appreciate friends who go through decades worth of fashions together. Like, you can just feel Jennifer’s frilly midriff tank top and flared embroidered jeans in your bones. So now we demand to see proof of their friendship another two decades later. And the most efficient way to do this, in my humble opinion, is to let Jodie cameo on “The L Word: Generation Q.” What? Come on, how iconic would that be? Make it so, lesbian television gods. Make it so. Happy weekend, all.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego7:18 AM

    If Jodie directed an episode of Orange is the New Black why can’t she direct TLW. executive producer Jennifer Beals, make it happen!
