Sunday, March 07, 2021

My (Belated) Weekend Crush

Pardon my tardiness with this weekend's Crush. I was just tired and busy and tired and busy and tired and busy. You know, normal pandemic shit. But I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the historic passage of the American Relief Plan by the Senate. Yes, the Democrats retreated on some stupid things for no good reason other than stubborn centrist dogma. But let it never be forgotten that not one single Republican voted for the plan that provides critical help to struggling Americans amid an ongoing pandemic that has killed more than half a million of our neighbors and plunged our economy into uncertainty while billionaires continue to rake in astronomical profits. Madam Vice President’s tie-breaking vote wasn’t needed (though only because one GOP Senator had an emergency and couldn’t be there to cast his “no” vote otherwise it would have been 50-50). But you have to think young, impossibly hip Kamala Harris would have marveled at her future self. Happy what’s left of your weekend, all.


  1. Carmen San Diego6:47 AM

    Go Kamala! Love ehr

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Go Kamala! Yeah! All those people of color you kept incarcerated, just so you could "win"! Wooo hooo you go!!

    Anyone with a shred of intellect would look at her track record and be disgusted. She is truly awful. Woman, man, dem, republican, doesn't mean anything. A scumbag is a scumbag regardless of gender.

    Can we please all grow up and look past the Identity politics please.
