Monday, March 29, 2021

Music Monday: St. Lipa Edition

We’ve almost made it through our second March of this pandemic. And the light at the end of the COVID tunnel feels so near. In a week I get my second vaccine, and by May everyone across the country should be eligible. It’s gonna be a good summer, dammit. So to get ready, please relive possibly the sexiest Grammy duet ever. St. Vincent. Dua Lipa. Watch it again and get ready to touch other human beings very, very soon. Happy Monday, kittens.

p.s. Anti-vaxx bullshit will be summarily deleted, as will other pandemic conspiracy nonsense. Thank you, science. We’d never get out of this if we had to only rely on each other.


  1. Carmen San Diego6:56 AM

    Great music selection!
    So happy you’re going to be protected DS
    I take my second dose soon too.
    Thank you science! Thank you Dolly Parton!

  2. So happy you are already halfway there! Also so glad you are not putting up with anti-vaxxers. In Israel, we have spent the Passover holiday much closer to normal, and that is thanks to the vaccine. I lose it when I see all the anti-vaccine crap. We have it here too... Science rules!
