Monday, March 22, 2021

Music Monday: Cyndi Edition

Talking about Jodie and Jennifer circa the 1980s got me feeling the decade. I mean, the fashion is back for some ungodly reason. No one needs mom jeans, peple. So why not revel in the best of the genre. Sure, there may have been bigger, slicker superstars to come out of the decade. But, truly, few captured the pop-punky weirdness of the generation better than our gal Cyndi Lauper. So sit back and enjoy the show. Yeah, OK, some of the 80s can come back. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Great way to start the week. Have a good week Dorothy.

  2. Wait, did Elizabeth Olsen singlehandedly - erm, doubledcheekedly? - bring mom jeans back by wearing them on one WandaVision episode? What power! She truly is the Scarlet Witch. I love Elizabeth and I love Cyndi.

  3. Osiris2:15 PM

    Really miss your work on AfterEllen. Would like to see some of the old staff back and content uploaded more frequently.
