Friday, February 12, 2021

My Weekend Crush(ing Loss)

Well, shit. Seriously, shit. Also fuck. And dammit, and fuck and dammit and shit some more. SyFy’s announcement late last week that Season 4 the last for our beloved “Wynonna Earp” is sad news indeed. I don’t know if there’s any possibilities for life elsewhere. (Hello, Hulu and the 30,000 other new streaming apps, would you like a show with a built-in and undyingly loyal fanbase that will fight like hell for its family? Just saying.) But even if this is really truly the end, our sadness should be tinged with pride. The series will always stand as a reminder to love what you love, in more ways than one. WayHaught’s love story is what happens when two adorable, and piping hot cinnamon rolls get together. And Earpers have been among the nicest, fiercest, bravest fandoms I’ve encountered. You put you love and work and even dollars into this show. And the show, and its creators (in particular Mother Unicorn Emily Andras), loved you right back. What a fun, crazy, unexpected, wild and joyous ride. No matter what, we’ll always have Purgatory. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Come on, How fun does that look? So fun? Who wouldn’t want another season of that? COME. ON. Sigh.


  1. I know we had to say goodbye at some stage , but this is too soon. Have a great weekend Dorothy.

  2. Carmen San Diego12:42 PM

    Sorry for your loss
    Hugs if you’d like them
