Monday, February 22, 2021

Music Monday: Janelle Redux

It’s been just over a month since our four-year national nightmare ended. Granted, plenty of nightmares left to fix in America. So many, in fact. But we shouldn’t forget to rejoice in what so many helped to accomplish. So sit back and give some love to Janelle Monae and forever crush Stacey Abrams, who along with the tireless work of activists and organizers turned Georgia blue and helped save democracy. Janelle recorded this version of her “Turntables” for the documentary “All In: The Fight for Democracy,” about Abrams and the campaign against rampant and ongoing voter suppression in the United States. No, the fight isn’t close to over. Republicans have already introduced more than 100 bills in state legislatures to make it even harder to vote. Because, as we all know, that’s the only way they win. But we will keep fighting them, and we will keep trying to make this country a more fair place for everyone. Now that’s something to always celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. This is just so wonderful and what a message. Have a good week Dorothy.
