Friday, November 06, 2020

My Weekend Crush

Remind yourself that there are still good things. The crunch of autumn leaves under foot. The warmth of a cat snug on your lap. The knowledge that no matter how the Electoral College ultimately plays out, more Americans voted for the kind, decent man than voted for the hateful, corrupt man – by the many millions. (And he's gonna win the stupid, racist, outdated Electoral College even, barring Trump cheating and other bullshit.) Still it’s hard to believe in good things in a year like this. But, guess what, love still exists despite – or perhaps in spite of – such intentional cruelty. Like, maybe between two professional athletes who happen to be tops in their respective games who also happen to be women and then happen to be in love and finally happen to decide they’re going to tie the knot despite – or perhaps in spite of – the ugliness of our current world. You know, like Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird getting engaged in a preemptive strike on the shittiness of 2020. Leave it to the lesbians to single-handedly try to turn this unrelentingly abysmal year around. You’re welcome, world. Have a safe, healthy and righteous weekend, all. And COUNT EVERY VOTE.


  1. This brings joy to my heart. Have a safe and healthy weekend Dorothy.

  2. Carmen San Diego8:46 AM

    Lesbian Royal Wedding 2.0 (cause Ellen and Portia were first).

  3. Karen5:48 AM

    @Carmen San Diego.... Ellen is a sell out to the community. She has been exposed as a capitalist who only cares about herself. Please do not lump her in the same category as Megan Rapinoe.

  4. There are good things in this world, Mr. Frodo, and they are worth fighting for. Congratulations to the amazing sports wives-to-be.
