Monday, November 02, 2020

Music Monday: Vote Edition

One day. One day and one vote and we can turn 2020 around for the better. One day and one vote and we can make America a kinder country again. One day and one vote and we can banish the worst president of the modern era from our lives forever. One day and one vote and we can make history. But it starts with that vote. Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. Vote because America needs you to vote. Happy Election Eve, kittens. Now get out there and vote.

p.s. Oh, and since yesterday was my birthday if everyone would vote for Joe and Kamala tomorrow that would make my birthday wish come true this year.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego7:03 AM

    Cant believe it’s not even the election yet. God, this year is never ending.
    It is be your birthday month, if I recall correctly,right DS? Happy birthday to you!
